Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ken : FFXIV Port Forwarding, because -_-.

So, for any of you lovable peoples out there who got into the FF XIV beta, and are noticing the horrendous download times...I felt your pain. Really , though D: !
For about 3 days , I was pretty clueless, if only because apparently ...I wasn't correctly port forwarding. See, Port forwarding in technologically declined terms, is opening up specific application ports for a specific program so you can speed up the download stuff. I'm not technically declined, I've been around computers for a long time now and have taken time to learn quite a bit from how I was years ago and pretty much in the dark. One thing has always puzzled me, which was networking. I guess that's primarily because I didn't have to deal with it much at all up to this point.
Now before I go on, this is an open letter to anyone on the internet who goes "Yeah, its easy just go to port forward dot com and it has answers". No, it really doesn't, not for new people. For the few hours i was incorrectly trying to do this I was fed a bunch of numbers and expected to just put it into my routers "application and gaming" section and things would be okay. They were not. You pretty much have to set up a static IP for the thing to work. --> Is pretty much what I used as the refference, since its straight to the point. WARNING: Vista users (maybe 7 users, not 100% sure, I might have to check in with Chi on this) when hes telling you to go to the "Internet Protocol: TCP/IP" properties , basically for Vista and up its "Internet Protocol version 4 :TCP/IP". I know not much different, but theres 2 versions, at least that I have, version 6 and version 4.
For those of you that feel overwhelmed, please don't. The command prompt line is ALL you have to do with the command prompt. Its basically only a reference tool to use for your DNS gateways and such.
The last part, at least for me, was the easiest since all you're doing at this point is putting in FF XIV's port numbers. Which it seems the common ports are 55296 , 10217 and 10277. Which As ports I just put 55296 as both (theres the option by the IP you set up for yourself that asks whether or not you want the port you want to open is TCP or UDP.) and the other 2 numbers you put 10217 at the start, and 10277 at the end. You're gonna be, in essence , doing this twice and making one TCP and the other UDP......but, as I said, I'm a noob. You might only have to put the "both" option on and be done with it.
I do realize those numbers might not be the same for you as they were for me, you can search up the file that has the FF XIV info in "C:\Users\-usernamehere-\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads" in a file called "upnp_port_mapping.log".
After I knew, y'know, how to CORRECTLY port forward, I didn't have to do anything else at all. Yes, and once again , I do know everyone has a different set up so it could amp up on someone else's network setting what they have to do. Just trying to add an extra walk through for people who are basically in the dark for how any of the port forwarding stuff works...and now all I have to do is play the waiting game.
Well thats about all I got, I hope that this in some way helps someone that was in the same position I was in. Always glad to help other nublets out insteada just expecting them to know everythin'. Later guys and gals !